Pay no mind to the dates you see scattered about. This site was last updated on March 23, 2017
I'm going to start replicating this site at somewhere non-Google since they've chosen to shut down my links.
I the meantime, email me with any questions regarding things you can't see, Sorry for the inconvenience.
Custom Work?
Knuckleduster Sale
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Bowies and other 19th Century Stuff
"File Knives"
Musso Bowie
Spanish Bowie
General Watie's Bowie
Rifleman's Knife
Antler-Handled Bowie
Naval Boarding Axe
Confederate D-Guard Bowie
"Barn Find"
First World War Knives
Click on the image for all WW1 knives.
Knives from the Great One. If you're in a hurry, you can jump ahead here.
Belgian Trench Dagger
Clements Knuckle Knife
Clements "Death's Head" Spike
Robbins of Dudley Push Dagger
Robbins Punch Dagger
Robbins Knuckle Knife
French M1916 Trench Dagger
The "Trench Cleaner"
World war Two knives
...give or take ten years
Knives from the '30's to the post-war period
Middle East Commando Knife
M1918, Mk1
North African "Bazaar Knife"
BC 41
Fairbairn's Cobra
Montana Power Co. Knife
North African Knuckle Knife
Sgt. Bob
Special Unit Z Knife
Tierney Knife
V 44's
"That not a knife..."
Knuckle dusters
Neither is that...
Trench Clubs
My Weblog, "Weapons, Warfare and Industrial idiocy"
Thrill to my mood-swings, gain vague insights into the darkest reaches of my being. Avoid boredom...
About me...
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Antler-Handled D-Guard
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